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How to Use a German Typewriter
In this post you'll learn a handful of German vocabulary words for typewriter parts, as well as a bit of the history of how I came to own...5...typewriters, including the beauty in the video above, a brother deluxe 220 from 1977 with a German keyboard, which I affectionately refer to as My Little Green, German Machine (it sounds better with a German accent, which you can hear in the video, above).
First German, then English.
die Schreibmaschine, die Schreibmaschinen = typewriter
The 3 Elements Which Make German Hard...or Learn
There are three elements which make German hard (or easy...ok easier...) to learn:
- Materials & Resources
- Methods
- Instructor(s) or lack there of.
Today you'll learn about these three elements and how they may make German harder to learn, or maybe easier.
Together these elements create one big constellation.
Which ones help you? Which ones are simply good enough? And which elements don't help you?
Definitely cue in to the next episode next week. ;-)
N.B. While the…
Practice Dates in German Using Dative, With Free Audio
N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between August 1, 2021 and October 1, 2024. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
Ihre Aufgabe:
Your task is to listen to the audio below and to note which dates the first three episodes will be released (auf Deutsch, natürlich) and then how often new episodes will be published after that.
All of these numbers are under 20. You'll need to…
How to Write an "Elfchen" (German Cinquain Poem)
An "Elfchen" is similar to a Haiku in that it has a set form, however it is unique in that it has 11 words, the lines having 1-2-3-4-1 words, respectively.
It always has this form (replace each number with a word):
one two
one two three
one two three four
The first word is the topic and the final word is often a commentary or a summary word. Here’s one I wrote for my student’s Valentine’s Day (Valentinstag!) lesson last night:
grosse Gefühle
veraendert das Her…
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