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Spiele und Spaß (Games and Fun)
German With Cats!
On Saturday my clients had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, entitled German With Cats! We worked through vocabulary on names for cats, the parts of a cat's body, the cat box, how to say “to pet a cat” in German, we talked about how cats take a bath, how they communicate, and expressions in German to do with cats.
Es war sehr lustig.
Es war sehr lustig.
It was really funny.
Es war sehr lustig.
Today you'll learn 10 nouns, verbs, and expressions using cats in German, and of course there's…
Zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben
Hier sind zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben.
Here are 10 funny things my clients have said.
- der Wasserhahn
- sein = to be. sein = his
- sich verlieben in + Akk
- Drogen oder Medikamente?!
- Kichererbsen
- der Schmetterling
- etwas gebacken kriegen
- der Öko-Spießer (use with caution!)
- not Schwiegereltern, but...
N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts …
7 Funny German Words and Their Meanings
There are so many funny words in German and sometimes their meanings are straight-forward, sometimes they are words we might wish we had as English speakers!
Here are 7 funny German words, including two funny German words for animals (real or imagined?!), with slow pronunciation and the meanings of the words.
This episode is great for learners at the A1, A2, and B1 levels.
N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. Th…
German Christmas Markets
Visiting a German Christmas Market is a true feast for the senses. It may forever change your expectations of the holiday season.
In this episode you'll learn about:
the main point of the Weihnachtsmarkt
who to go with
the various beverages available
what you can eat there
what you can shop for there
The link to read more about the Adventskaffee and German Holiday Puzzles Booklet has been removed, as it is no longer for sale. Instead, feel free to sign up for the E…
Take this Relaxing Video Trip to Bavaria
Wenn man nicht reisen kann, egal ob man zu wenig Geld hat oder es eine Pandemie gibt, kann man immer das Internet benutzen, um eine virtuelle Reise zu machen.
Es kostet nichts und man kann die gleiche Reise immer wieder machen.
Diese Woche gibt es eine Videoreise nach Bayern. Sie können verschiedene Seen sehen, eine Wiese, verschiedene Städte und vieles mehr.
Kommen Sie für 4 Minuten, 30 Sekunden mit nach Bayern.
When the time isn't right to travel, no matter if it's because money is tigh…
Wir feiern sieben Jahre GermanWithNicole!
Juhu! Ausgezeichnet! Ich hab's geschafft!
Seven Years in Business!
In any business there are highs and lows. Sometimes they are close together, like heartbeats, and sometimes they are stretched out over a length of time.
There are no highlights without lowlights and I’ve included them both in this list. In seven years a lot happens in any business, so I’ve selected seven of them for you today.
The Highlights and the Lowlights of the First Seven Years of
#1 Highlight: Th…
3 New Ways to Learn German at Home
You could be at home, you could be in a park, you could be on your own balcony.
Every place is a good place to learn a bit of German.
Here are three new ways you can learn a bit of German in any of those places.
1. eine Wortsuche
A word search is a good way to engage with German over a bit of time, but it's not so much energy that you can't get started or keep focused.
In fact, that's exactly what one client said about the newest word search activity:
"The word search was so entertainin…
Practice a Tongue Twister in German
der Zungenbrecher = tongue twister
Heute können Sie einen Zungenbrecher üben! Hier können Sie das PDF herunterladen:
Dann schauen Sie das Video. Ich helfe Ihnen dabei, das /ts/ aussprechen zu können und den Zungenbrecher zu lernen. Viel Spaß dabei!
auf Englisch:
Today you can practice a tongue twister! You can download the PDF here:
And then watch the video. In the video I'll help you correctly pronounce the /ts/ sound and to learn the tongue twister. Ha…
How to Live Like a German
and make German a part of your everyday life.
Sometimes it amazes me how quickly people can pick up German words and sentence structure, even though they've never been to Germany and haven't learned German before.
Clients come to a lesson and they have no idea what German bread tastes like, but they can talk about German breakfast: das Brot, die Marmelade, der Kaffee.
It can be a source of frustration, however, to learn German, but only to have all these North American elements around us: sp…
5 German Board Games for Any Day of the Year
Besides books and reading, it's safe to say the board games are an important German cultural element. Games are so important to Germans that there is a Verein (club) that reviews games every year known as the Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year).
German board games are awesome and some of them are now cult games of epic proportions. You might have seen Catan spread out on the coffee table in an episode of The Big Bang Theory. (Das war echt toll zu sehen.)
Here are a few games you could get to …
- A1 (70)
- A2 (55)
- B1 (47)
- B2 (24)
- C1 (22)
- Deutsch lernen (82)
- Einkaufen (15)
- Essen (12)
- Grammatik (24)
- Hören (14)
- Landeskunde und Kultur (50)
- Lesen (11)
- Musik (5)
- Nachrichten (4)
- Podcast (66)
- Pronunciation (3)
- Schreiben (4)
- Schwäbisch (4)
- Spiele und Spaß (Games and Fun) (12)
- Sprechen (12)
- Vokabeln (41)
- Video (13)
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