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Neun interessante Vokabeln aus dem Kurs B1+

Gestern Abend im Kurs B1+ sind wir auf sehr interessante Vokabeln gestoßen. Was für Sie besonders interessant ist, ist, dass diese Vokabeln in Lehrbüchern nur sehr selten vorkommen. Also diese Vokabeln sind ganz normale Wörter, die man im Alltag lernt.

der Zuckerersatz = artificial sugar

das Süßungsmittel = sweetener

der Meinungsmacher = an opinion-maker, e.g. a certain newspaper in Germany is a Meinungsmacher because it has a lot of influence on its readers

raten = to guess

jemandem zur Ve…

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How to Use a German Typewriter

In this post you'll learn a handful of German vocabulary words for typewriter parts, as well as a bit of the history of how I came to own...5...typewriters, including the beauty in the video above, a brother deluxe 220 from 1977 with a German keyboard, which I affectionately refer to as My Little Green, German Machine (it sounds better with a German accent, which you can hear in the video, above).

First German, then English.


die Schreibmaschine, die Schreibmaschinen = typewriter


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sich anmelden - Conjugations and Meaning


sich anmelden

Ohhhh, reflexive separable verbs. You can pride yourself in your use of reflexive verbs as soon as you start learning them. (See what I did there? Pride yourself. Ah-ha, ah-ha!) And today you'll learn sich anmelden, to register (yourself) for a German class.

After the intro you'll learn the conjugations for the verb sich anmelden, and then you'll hear a German text. After a very short interlude you'll hear the same text in English. That's verb conjugations, German text, English t…

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German Pens, Pencils, and Markers

Most of my clients love pens and pencils, and while I urge you all to have a single “home” for your German learning materials, I also urge you to have pens and pencils dedicated to your German learning. 

That may be why my clients recently received three Stabilo Stifte (writing utensils, in this case felt-tip pens) and a Staedler Bleistift (pencil) from me for the 10th anniversary of the business.

Ich liebe die deutsche Sprache und ich liebe Schreibstifte aus Deutschland!
Ich liebe die de…

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schief gehen

schief gehen

schief gehen

to go wrong, to go awry, to go pear-shaped

schief gehen

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios are available on the blog posts published between August 1, 2021 and October 1, 2024. Viel Spaß beim Hören!

Heute ist einiges schief gegangen. Das Programm hat nicht funktioniert. Dann hat das Video nicht funktioniert. Das Mikrophon war nicht richtig angeschlossen und dann hat das P…

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Sagt man «Viel Glück» oder «Viel Erfolg»?


Wishing someone "good luck" in German often goes one of two ways--either "Viel Glück!" or "Viel Erfolg!" Which one you use depends on what you want to say. It's part of the entire cultural aspect of luck, and Germans have specific ways in which they try to find luck.

Today you'll learn how to give these wishes in German and what marzipan has to do with all of it.


N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The audios a…

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11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria


This month clients in the group classes and private lessons are learning about Austria. They have access to an online lesson with typical Austrian phrases and expressions and we also had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, all about Austria.

Here you get to learn some of what my clients have learned about Austria this month, including how to pronounce Österreich.

N.B. While the Podcast no longer exists, you can still hear all of the audios here on the blog. The au…

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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps


Learning how to use a German-English dictionary effectively is one of the single skills which can really help support you in your German learning adventure.

German learners frequently ask: Which German-English dictionary should I buy? Is it worth buying the big one? How do I know which dictionary will be right for me? Are the online German dictionaries better?

In this blog post/podcast episode, I'll guide you step-by-step through which dictionary you can/should use as a beginner through the el…

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What does "Fingerspitzengefühl" mean?


This untranslatable German word is one of my favorites, and I hope it becomes one of yours, too!

You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl and there are plenty of repetitions of it so you can get used to pronouncing it.

It's a long word!

You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl in English and you'll learn when to use it in German.

Reference for the sensitivity of fingertips:

N.B. While the GermanWithNico…

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Nine Year Anniversary German With!


Nine Years of!

Although I've taught German since 2010, I've only taught privately and online since 2013. (Wellllll, it may have actually been 2012, but this was a chance development in my life that turned into a business, so if you won't tell anybody, I won't.)

Today you'll hear

  • two short numbers exercises in German,

  • a thank you in German followed by the same text in English,

  • and then five fantastic German words I've come across in the past few years.


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