Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™
German learning for Germanophiles, Swissophiles, Austrophiles, book lovers, (over)thinkers, word collectors, geeks, knowledge seekers, and (recovering) perfectionists.
Learning German with Frau Warner is likely right for you if you:
- love to learn,
- or you need to learn new things almost constantly
- learn well through analogies, metaphors, and idioms,
- like following rules and systems, color-coding, and organizing
- enjoy precision immensely,
- collect words; perhaps you can can 'taste,' 'touch,' or 'smell' words,
- love exploring new ideas and concepts,
- are creative with words, music, or artistic media,
- like puzzles and games,
- are fueled by deep thoughts and deep conversation,
- can concentrate for long periods of time,
- want to be freed from the tyranny of tests,
- and/or you strive for self-actualization.*
* The intro and this text is based on Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober. Ask Frau Warner about it sometime.
How can you learn German with Frau Warner?

Video Lessons
Video lessons are available 24/7 and you can learn at your pace.
Frau Warner personally reads and responds to all comments.

Live, Small-Group Classes
Small group classes which meet online
in ongoing sessions.
All classes are taught live by Frau Warner.
Private German Lessons
Take private German lessons with Frau Warner in an online classroom.
Work at your pace using real German books and with plenty of speaking practice.
4 Fun Ways You'll Learn Differently with Frau Warner

1. Grade-Free, Test-Free Learning
You're an adult, you don't need a grade. Instead we'll use the learning objectives (Lernziele) in each chapter to mark your progress.
The only test you could take is the standardized proficiency test and I can help you prepare.
100% of my clients have passed their proficiency tests on the first try.

Learn German grammar with LEGO® blocks!
(I bought them myself. But if you work at LEGO® and want to know more about how I do this, please contact me here.)
There is no need to buy any LEGO® blocks, however if you have some, join in!

3. German With Cats!
Cats are lovely companions and they can help you understand German grammar.
Connor is more than a cat, he's also an assistant tutor.
Here he effectively demonstrates the Dativ. Sometimes he comes to visit a class.

4. Learn German with a Learner-Turned-Instructor
You'll reap the benefits of my experience as a German learner AND as a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language with over 6,000 hours of teaching experience.
I know exactly how hard it is to learn German and how rewarding it is when you make progress.
Am Blog
Here are the three most recent German learning blog posts:
Neun interessante Vokabeln aus dem Kurs B1+
Gestern Abend im Kurs B1+ sind wir auf sehr interessante Vokabeln gestoßen. Was für Sie besonders interessant ist, ist, dass diese Vokabeln in Lehrbüchern nur sehr selten vorkommen. Also diese Vokabeln sind ganz normale Wörter, die man im Alltag lernt.
der Zuckerersatz = artificial sugar
das Süßungsmittel = sweetener
der Meinungsmacher = an opinion-maker, e.g. a certain newspaper in Germany is a Meinungsmacher because it has a lot of influence on its readers
raten = to guess
jemandem zur Ve…
You don’t have to know German before you have learned it.
Are you intimidated by a new German book? You might be like one of my clients, who, after the comfort developed by having spent time working through the A1 materials, looked at the A2 book for the very first time and said, “But I can’t do that! It’s too advanced for me.” Except she had never worked on the materials in the A2 level before. So I reminded her, “Remember that you don't have to know anything until you've learned it and worked on it for a while.”
Focus on acquiring German language sk…
How to Use a German Typewriter
In this post you'll learn a handful of German vocabulary words for typewriter parts, as well as a bit of the history of how I came to own...5...typewriters, including the beauty in the video above, a brother deluxe 220 from 1977 with a German keyboard, which I affectionately refer to as My Little Green, German Machine (it sounds better with a German accent, which you can hear in the video, above).
First German, then English.
die Schreibmaschine, die Schreibmaschinen = typewriter
Would you like to hear about future German classes with Frau Warner?
With the E-Post, you'll receive information on German class registration and goings-on in German classes, all written by Frau Warner. You'll receive an email on Tuesdays, plus an extra email or two when class registration opens or there's something new.
If you use Gmail: please check your "promotions" folder.